Walking Through Ephesians

(Ephesians 1: 22-23 CEV)

[Paul speaking of the Father's agreement with the Son],"God has put all things under the power of Christ, and for the good of the church [God] has made Him the head of everything. The church is the body of Christ and is filled with Christ who completely fills everything."

 the Ephesian Study These are just some thoughts on God as the Trinity or Godhead. The idea of God is first God is One God and God is a Spirit and people must worship Him in spirit and in truth. God, as a Spirit has what consist of His essence.

The essence, nature or attributes of God consist of all the is beyond eternal, unchangeable, unimaginable in power, knowledge love and all that we can describe God in human terms. Only, our knowledge is so infinitesimal that if it wasn’t for God’s love, patience and understanding makes allowance of our ignorance. All that we see is a fraction of what he has given us, including our human use of calling God, Father, Son and “Holy” Spirit.

That goes for our use of pronouns such his, him, she (as in the case of wisdom). Understanding that the essence of God in His Oneness doesn’t change, when we talk about God the Father, God the Son (Jesus the Christ) and the Holy Spirit (the Comforter and Intercessor), we have to realize that there is no lessening of God’s essence when God came to earth as a human man.

There is also no change in the essence of the Holy Spirit when He comes to live inside of us as human beings - beings that are limited in so many ways. Yet, we have to realize that we being God’s creation have a relationship with God unlike any other of His creations. This relationship comes from our first birth, which is through the breath of life (our human/spirit nature) and the opportunity of being born again with God’s Spirit (our spirit/Spirit nature).

As such, when Jesus the Christ came to earth as a human, His birth occurred in the opposite of ours. He came with His Spirit already alive. So He didn’t need the second birth. His second birth was when the breath of life made Him in the image of a human man. The Interactions Among The One God The “submission” of the Son to the Father and the Holy Spirit “submitting” to the Son is confusing and can lead to the thought that “God is three Persons” or that God has “three roles” and things along those lines. If, in God’s interaction within the ‘Godhead’ we might need to change the word “submission” and “humbled” to “agreed with” or “agreed to”.

Within the “Godhead”, God the Father is not higher to or have authority over God the Son nor is God the Son higher to or have authority to the Holy Spirit. Therefore: God the Father has agreed with God the Son and God the Holy Spirit to be in the place of the realm of the eternal. God the Son has agreed with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit to become a human being and limit the full power of the Godhead within a human nature and the human body.

God the Holy Spirit has agreed with God the Father and God the Son to live within and empower human beings to be in a true relationship with the Godhead and with other people. From the beginning, the interactions as a Trinity could be what God was relating to when God said, “We’re going to create man to resemble Us as a triune being who can agree within themselves.”

We as a trinity or three part being is demonstrated through our interaction between the spirit, soul and body. And, the interactions that occur among the Godhead, is also an example of how our interactions should be in our relationships among people. We should agree with the Godhead in our spirit, this agreement should allow our spirit, soul and body to be in agreement and this personal agreement helps us to be in agreement with others.

This agreement with others may be an agreement to leave the relationship with a person. This may be needed to stay in agreement with your personal trinity and keep you in agreement with the Godhead.